Keep Chilled

Frost Pillars - 1

She grew frost flowers

to keep the chill in her heart.

Pain can’t invade ice.


*Frosty photo by FlyTrapMan (Click here to visit his blog).


  1. She be dun wrong once too many times! No one is going to reach the depths of her soul ever again….. UNLESS he meets the following requirement posted by her:
    Sugar daddy wanted. Good looks optional. Unlimited cash flow essentional. Apply for the position by electronically transferring your networth using the following routing number. Upon completing these requirements please wait for my answer in your clothing closet.
    Soon to be rich,however, the mean streak remains intact.
    Fun, Fun, Fun! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The scale of these frost flowers is quite tiny – less than a millimeter. I think it’s one of the smallest subjects I ever imaged (and it was difficult).

    I look forward to finding more frost flowers, but they are difficult to see! \”/

    Liked by 1 person

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