Crimes of the Heart

Illustration by Ted Giffin

Here in the dark I sit.

Polishing my sins

with a rag and spit.

No matter how hard I rub,

the patina never succumbs.

Encrusted with smudge,

it’s difficult to shine.

Woe festers underneath skin –

A soul burdened with crimes

of the heart.

Handcuffed and caged

with unyielding bars.

Cast away the key.

My penance will stretch an eternity.

*** Visit the talented Ted Giffin by clicking HERE ***


  1. Crimes of the heart carry their own judge and jury, and build a prison we can never escape from, not for long. Because in our minds, we keep revisiting the scene of the crime…the memories are the prison. I so love this poem, Rose. Ted’s artwork is gorgeous. You sure know how to pick ’em.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Delicate polishing, angels polishing the delightful sins branded in their skins : ) The illustration by Ted is amazing as well :O Wishing you a lovely 2019 dear Rose. Thank you for everything.

    Liked by 1 person

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