I Love Coffee

Beans - 1

A cup of coffee –

Black like your eye if you donโ€™t

give it to me now!

*Yummy coffee beans photo by FlyTrapMan. โค


  1. Beyond clever haiku! I used to drink raspberry chocolate truffle coffee — but I stopped — because I don’t feel like carrying around my thermos…Ahhh…the good ol’ days! I’m immune to caffeine.

    Do you drink your coffee black? Or was that simply a creative exaggeration?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. **** Ultimate Iced Coffee ****

    Brew espresso in a drip coffee maker; pour it over some ice cubes in a big pitcher that has a cover; put the pitcher in the frige; pour off as wanted, with more ice in hot weather.

    On the rare occasions when I want hot coffee, I zap a cup of my cold stuff in the microwave.

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